Source code for flask_ldap3_login

import logging
import ldap3

    from flask import _app_ctx_stack as stack
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from flask import _request_ctx_stack as stack

from enum import Enum

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

AuthenticationResponseStatus = Enum(
    'AuthenticationResponseStatus', 'fail success')

[docs]class AuthenticationResponse(object): """ A response object when authenticating. Lets us pass status codes around and also user data. Args: status (AuthenticationResponseStatus): The status of the result. user_info (dict): User info dictionary obtained from LDAP. user_id (str): User id used to authenticate to LDAP with. user_dn (str): User DN found from LDAP. user_groups (list): A list containing a dicts of group info. """ def __init__(self,, user_info=None, user_id=None, user_dn=None, user_groups=[]): self.user_info = user_info, self.user_id = user_id, self.user_dn = user_dn, self.user_groups = user_groups self.status = status
[docs]class LDAP3LoginManager(object): """ Initialise a LDAP3LoginManager. If app is passed, init_app is called within this call. Args: app (flask.Flask): The flask app to initialise with """ def __init__(self, app=None): self._save_user = None self.config = {} self._server_pool = ldap3.ServerPool( [], ldap3.FIRST, active=1, # Loop through all servers once. exhaust=10, # Remove unreachable servers for 10 seconds. ) if app is not None: self.init_app(app)
[docs] def init_app(self, app): ''' Configures this extension with the given app. This registers an ``teardown_appcontext`` call, and attaches this ``LDAP3LoginManager`` to it as ``app.ldap3_login_manager``. Args: app (flask.Flask): The flask app to initialise with ''' app.ldap3_login_manager = self servers = list(self._server_pool) for s in servers: self._server_pool.remove(s) self.init_config(app.config) if hasattr(app, 'teardown_appcontext'): app.teardown_appcontext(self.teardown) else: # pragma: no cover app.teardown_request(self.teardown) = app
[docs] def init_config(self, config): ''' Configures this extension with a given configuration dictionary. This allows use of this extension without a flask app. Args: config (dict): A dictionary with configuration keys ''' self.config.update(config) self.config.setdefault('LDAP_PORT', 389) self.config.setdefault('LDAP_HOST', None) self.config.setdefault('LDAP_USE_SSL', False) self.config.setdefault('LDAP_READONLY', True) self.config.setdefault('LDAP_BIND_DIRECT_CREDENTIALS', False) self.config.setdefault('LDAP_BIND_DIRECT_SUFFIX', '') self.config.setdefault('LDAP_BIND_DIRECT_GET_USER_INFO', True) self.config.setdefault('LDAP_ALWAYS_SEARCH_BIND', False) self.config.setdefault('LDAP_BASE_DN', '') self.config.setdefault('LDAP_BIND_USER_DN', None) self.config.setdefault('LDAP_BIND_USER_PASSWORD', None) self.config.setdefault('LDAP_SEARCH_FOR_GROUPS', True) self.config.setdefault('LDAP_FAIL_AUTH_ON_MULTIPLE_FOUND', False) # Prepended to the Base DN to limit scope when searching for # Users/Groups. self.config.setdefault('LDAP_USER_DN', '') self.config.setdefault('LDAP_GROUP_DN', '') self.config.setdefault('LDAP_BIND_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE', 'SIMPLE') # Ldap Filters self.config.setdefault('LDAP_USER_SEARCH_SCOPE', 'LEVEL') self.config.setdefault('LDAP_USER_OBJECT_FILTER', '(objectclass=person)') self.config.setdefault('LDAP_USER_LOGIN_ATTR', 'uid') self.config.setdefault('LDAP_USER_RDN_ATTR', 'uid') self.config.setdefault( 'LDAP_GET_USER_ATTRIBUTES', ldap3.ALL_ATTRIBUTES) self.config.setdefault('LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_SCOPE', 'LEVEL') self.config.setdefault( 'LDAP_GROUP_OBJECT_FILTER', '(objectclass=group)') self.config.setdefault('LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERS_ATTR', 'uniqueMember') self.config.setdefault( 'LDAP_GET_GROUP_ATTRIBUTES', ldap3.ALL_ATTRIBUTES) self.add_server( hostname=self.config.get('LDAP_HOST'), port=self.config.get('LDAP_PORT'), use_ssl=self.config.get('LDAP_USE_SSL') )
[docs] def add_server(self, hostname, port, use_ssl): """ Add an additional server to the server pool and return the freshly created server. Args: hostname (str): Hostname of the server port (int): Port of the server use_ssl (bool): True if SSL is to be used when connecting. Returns: ldap3.Server: The freshly created server object. """ server = ldap3.Server(hostname, port=port, use_ssl=use_ssl) self._server_pool.add(server) return server
def _contextualise_connection(self, connection): """ Add a connection to the appcontext so it can be freed/unbound at a later time if an exception occured and it was not freed. Args: connection (ldap3.Connection): Connection to add to the appcontext """ ctx = if ctx is not None: if not hasattr(ctx, 'ldap3_manager_connections'): ctx.ldap3_manager_connections = [connection] else: ctx.ldap3_manager_connections.append(connection) def _decontextualise_connection(self, connection): """ Remove a connection from the appcontext. Args: connection (ldap3.Connection): connection to remove from the appcontext """ ctx = if ctx is not None and connection in ctx.ldap3_manager_connections: ctx.ldap3_manager_connections.remove(connection)
[docs] def teardown(self, exception): """ Cleanup after a request. Close any open connections. """ ctx = if ctx is not None: if hasattr(ctx, 'ldap3_manager_connections'): for connection in ctx.ldap3_manager_connections: self.destroy_connection(connection) if hasattr(ctx, 'ldap3_manager_main_connection'): log.debug( "Unbinding a connection used within the request context.") ctx.ldap3_manager_main_connection.unbind() ctx.ldap3_manager_main_connection = None
[docs] def save_user(self, callback): ''' This sets the callback for saving a user that has been looked up from from ldap. The function you set should take a user dn (unicode), username (unicode) and userdata (dict), and memberships (list). :: @ldap3_manager.save_user def save_user(dn, username, userdata, memberships): return User(username=username, data=userdata) Your callback function MUST return the user object in your ORM (or similar). as this is used within the LoginForm and placed at ``form.user`` Args: callback (function): The function to be used as the save user callback. ''' self._save_user = callback return callback
[docs] def authenticate(self, username, password): """ An abstracted authentication method. Decides whether to perform a direct bind or a search bind based upon the login attribute configured in the config. Args: username (str): Username of the user to bind password (str): User's password to bind with. Returns: AuthenticationResponse """ if self.config.get('LDAP_BIND_DIRECT_CREDENTIALS'): result = self.authenticate_direct_credentials(username, password) elif not self.config.get('LDAP_ALWAYS_SEARCH_BIND') and \ self.config.get('LDAP_USER_RDN_ATTR') == \ self.config.get('LDAP_USER_LOGIN_ATTR'): # Since the user's RDN is the same as the login field, # we can do a direct bind. result = self.authenticate_direct_bind(username, password) else: # We need to search the User's DN to find who the user is (and # their DN) so we can try bind with their password. result = self.authenticate_search_bind(username, password) return result
[docs] def authenticate_direct_credentials(self, username, password): """ Performs a direct bind, however using direct credentials. Can be used if interfacing with an Active Directory domain controller which authenticates using directly. Performing this kind of lookup limits the information we can get from ldap. Instead we can only deduce whether or not their bind was successful. Do not use this method if you require more user info. Args: username (str): username for the user to bind with. LOGIN_SUFFIX will be appended. password (str): User's password to bind with. Returns: AuthenticationResponse """ connection = self._make_connection( bind_user=username + self.config.get('LDAP_BIND_DIRECT_SUFFIX'), bind_password=password, ) response = AuthenticationResponse() try: connection.bind() response.status = AuthenticationResponseStatus.success response.user_id = username log.debug( "Authentication was successful for user '{0}'".format(username)) if self.config.get('LDAP_BIND_DIRECT_GET_USER_INFO'): # User wants extra info about the bind user_filter = '({search_attr}={username})'.format( search_attr=self.config.get('LDAP_USER_LOGIN_ATTR'), username=username ) search_filter = '(&{0}{1})'.format( self.config.get('LDAP_USER_OBJECT_FILTER'), user_filter, ) search_base=self.full_user_search_dn, search_filter=search_filter, search_scope=getattr( ldap3, self.config.get('LDAP_USER_SEARCH_SCOPE')), attributes=self.config.get('LDAP_GET_USER_ATTRIBUTES'), ) if len(connection.response) == 0 or \ (self.config.get('LDAP_FAIL_AUTH_ON_MULTIPLE_FOUND') and len(connection.response) > 1): # Don't allow them to log in. log.error( "Could not gather extra info for user '{0}'".format(username)) else: user = connection.response[0] user['attributes']['dn'] = user['dn'] response.user_info = user['attributes'] response.user_dn = user['dn'] except ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPInvalidCredentialsResult as e: log.debug( "Authentication was not successful for user '{0}'".format(username)) response.status = except Exception as e: log.error(e) response.status = self.destroy_connection(connection) return response
[docs] def authenticate_direct_bind(self, username, password): """ Performs a direct bind. We can do this since the RDN is the same as the login attribute. Hence we just string together a dn to find this user with. Args: username (str): Username of the user to bind (the field specified as LDAP_BIND_RDN_ATTR) password (str): User's password to bind with. Returns: AuthenticationResponse """ bind_user = '{rdn}={username},{user_search_dn}'.format( rdn=self.config.get('LDAP_USER_RDN_ATTR'), username=username, user_search_dn=self.full_user_search_dn, ) connection = self._make_connection( bind_user=bind_user, bind_password=password, ) response = AuthenticationResponse() try: connection.bind() log.debug( "Authentication was successful for user '{0}'".format(username)) response.status = AuthenticationResponseStatus.success # Get user info here. user_info = self.get_user_info( dn=bind_user, _connection=connection) response.user_dn = bind_user response.user_id = username response.user_info = user_info if self.config.get('LDAP_SEARCH_FOR_GROUPS'): response.user_groups = self.get_user_groups( dn=bind_user, _connection=connection) except ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPInvalidCredentialsResult as e: log.debug( "Authentication was not successful for user '{0}'".format(username)) response.status = except Exception as e: log.error(e) response.status = self.destroy_connection(connection) return response
[docs] def authenticate_search_bind(self, username, password): """ Performs a search bind to authenticate a user. This is required when a the login attribute is not the same as the RDN, since we cannot string together their DN on the fly, instead we have to find it in the LDAP, then attempt to bind with their credentials. Args: username (str): Username of the user to bind (the field specified as LDAP_BIND_LOGIN_ATTR) password (str): User's password to bind with when we find their dn. Returns: AuthenticationResponse """ connection = self._make_connection( bind_user=self.config.get('LDAP_BIND_USER_DN'), bind_password=self.config.get('LDAP_BIND_USER_PASSWORD'), ) try: connection.bind() log.debug("Successfully bound to LDAP as '{0}' for search_bind method".format( self.config.get('LDAP_BIND_USER_DN') or 'Anonymous' )) except Exception as e: self.destroy_connection(connection) log.error(e) return AuthenticationResponse() # Find the user in the search path. user_filter = '({search_attr}={username})'.format( search_attr=self.config.get('LDAP_USER_LOGIN_ATTR'), username=username ) search_filter = '(&{0}{1})'.format( self.config.get('LDAP_USER_OBJECT_FILTER'), user_filter, ) log.debug("Performing an LDAP Search using filter '{0}', base '{1}', " "and scope '{2}'".format( search_filter, self.full_user_search_dn, self.config.get('LDAP_USER_SEARCH_SCOPE') )) search_base=self.full_user_search_dn, search_filter=search_filter, search_scope=getattr( ldap3, self.config.get('LDAP_USER_SEARCH_SCOPE')), attributes=self.config.get('LDAP_GET_USER_ATTRIBUTES') ) response = AuthenticationResponse() if len(connection.response) == 0 or \ (self.config.get('LDAP_FAIL_AUTH_ON_MULTIPLE_FOUND') and len(connection.response) > 1): # Don't allow them to log in. log.debug( "Authentication was not successful for user '{0}'".format(username)) else: for user in connection.response: # Attempt to bind with each user we find until we can find # one that works. if 'type' not in user or user.get('type') != 'searchResEntry': # Issue #13 - Don't return non-entry results. continue user_connection = self._make_connection( bind_user=user['dn'], bind_password=password ) log.debug( "Directly binding a connection to a server with " "user:'{0}'".format(user['dn'])) try: user_connection.bind() log.debug( "Authentication was successful for user '{0}'".format(username)) response.status = AuthenticationResponseStatus.success # Populate User Data user['attributes']['dn'] = user['dn'] response.user_info = user['attributes'] response.user_id = username response.user_dn = user['dn'] if self.config.get('LDAP_SEARCH_FOR_GROUPS'): response.user_groups = self.get_user_groups( dn=user['dn'], _connection=connection) self.destroy_connection(user_connection) break except ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPInvalidCredentialsResult as e: log.debug( "Authentication was not successful for " "user '{0}'".format(username)) response.status = except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover # This should never happen, however in case ldap3 does ever # throw an error here, we catch it and log it log.error(e) response.status = self.destroy_connection(user_connection) self.destroy_connection(connection) return response
[docs] def get_user_groups(self, dn, group_search_dn=None, _connection=None): """ Gets a list of groups a user at dn is a member of Args: dn (str): The dn of the user to find memberships for. _connection (ldap3.Connection): A connection object to use when searching. If not given, a temporary connection will be created, and destroyed after use. group_search_dn (str): The search dn for groups. Defaults to ``'{LDAP_GROUP_DN},{LDAP_BASE_DN}'``. Returns: list: A list of LDAP groups the user is a member of. """ connection = _connection if not connection: connection = self._make_connection( bind_user=self.config.get('LDAP_BIND_USER_DN'), bind_password=self.config.get('LDAP_BIND_USER_PASSWORD') ) connection.bind() search_filter = '(&{group_filter}({members_attr}={user_dn}))'.format( group_filter=self.config.get('LDAP_GROUP_OBJECT_FILTER'), members_attr=self.config.get('LDAP_GROUP_MEMBERS_ATTR'), user_dn=dn ) log.debug("Searching for groups for specific user with filter '{0}' " ", base '{1}' and scope '{2}'".format( search_filter, group_search_dn or self.full_group_search_dn, self.config.get('LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_SCOPE') )) search_base=group_search_dn or self.full_group_search_dn, search_filter=search_filter, attributes=self.config.get('LDAP_GET_GROUP_ATTRIBUTES'), search_scope=getattr( ldap3, self.config.get('LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_SCOPE')) ) results = [] for item in connection.response: if 'type' not in item or item.get('type') != 'searchResEntry': # Issue #13 - Don't return non-entry results. continue group_data = item['attributes'] group_data['dn'] = item['dn'] results.append(group_data) if not _connection: # We made a connection, so we need to kill it. self.destroy_connection(connection) return results
[docs] def get_user_info(self, dn, _connection=None): """ Gets info about a user specified at dn. Args: dn (str): The dn of the user to find _connection (ldap3.Connection): A connection object to use when searching. If not given, a temporary connection will be created, and destroyed after use. Returns: dict: A dictionary of the user info from LDAP """ return self.get_object( dn=dn, filter=self.config.get('LDAP_USER_OBJECT_FILTER'), attributes=self.config.get("LDAP_GET_USER_ATTRIBUTES"), _connection=_connection, )
[docs] def get_user_info_for_username(self, username, _connection=None): """ Gets info about a user at a specified username by searching the Users DN. Username attribute is the same as specified as LDAP_USER_LOGIN_ATTR. Args: username (str): Username of the user to search for. _connection (ldap3.Connection): A connection object to use when searching. If not given, a temporary connection will be created, and destroyed after use. Returns: dict: A dictionary of the user info from LDAP """ ldap_filter = '(&({0}={1}){2})'.format( self.config.get('LDAP_USER_LOGIN_ATTR'), username, self.config.get('LDAP_USER_OBJECT_FILTER') ) return self.get_object( dn=self.full_user_search_dn, filter=ldap_filter, attributes=self.config.get("LDAP_GET_USER_ATTRIBUTES"), _connection=_connection, )
[docs] def get_group_info(self, dn, _connection=None): """ Gets info about a group specified at dn. Args: dn (str): The dn of the group to find _connection (ldap3.Connection): A connection object to use when searching. If not given, a temporary connection will be created, and destroyed after use. Returns: dict: A dictionary of the group info from LDAP """ return self.get_object( dn=dn, filter=self.config.get('LDAP_GROUP_OBJECT_FILTER'), attributes=self.config.get("LDAP_GET_GROUP_ATTRIBUTES"), _connection=_connection, )
[docs] def get_object(self, dn, filter, attributes, _connection=None): """ Gets an object at the specified dn and returns it. Args: dn (str): The dn of the object to find. filter (str): The LDAP syntax search filter. attributes (list): A list of LDAP attributes to get when searching. _connection (ldap3.Connection): A connection object to use when searching. If not given, a temporary connection will be created, and destroyed after use. Returns: dict: A dictionary of the object info from LDAP """ connection = _connection if not connection: connection = self._make_connection( bind_user=self.config.get('LDAP_BIND_USER_DN'), bind_password=self.config.get('LDAP_BIND_USER_PASSWORD') ) connection.bind() search_base=dn, search_filter=filter, attributes=attributes, ) data = None if len(connection.response) > 0: data = connection.response[0]['attributes'] data['dn'] = connection.response[0]['dn'] if not _connection: # We made a connection, so we need to kill it. self.destroy_connection(connection) return data
@property def connection(self): """ Convenience property for externally accessing an authenticated connection to the server. This connection is automatically handled by the appcontext, so you do not have to perform an unbind. Returns: ldap3.Connection: A bound ldap3.Connection Raises: ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPException: Since this method is performing a bind on behalf of the caller. You should handle this case occuring, such as invalid service credentials. """ ctx = if ctx is None: raise Exception("Working outside of the Flask application " "context. If you wish to make a connection outside of a flask" " application context, please handle your connections " "and use manager.make_connection()") if hasattr(ctx, 'ldap3_manager_main_connection'): return ctx.ldap3_manager_main_connection else: connection = self._make_connection( bind_user=self.config.get('LDAP_BIND_USER_DN'), bind_password=self.config.get('LDAP_BIND_USER_PASSWORD'), contextualise=False ) connection.bind() if ctx is not None: ctx.ldap3_manager_main_connection = connection return connection
[docs] def make_connection(self, bind_user=None, bind_password=None, **kwargs): """ Make a connection to the LDAP Directory. Args: bind_user (str): User to bind with. If `None`, AUTH_ANONYMOUS is used, otherwise authentication specified with config['LDAP_BIND_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE'] is used. bind_password (str): Password to bind to the directory with **kwargs (dict): Additional arguments to pass to the ``ldap3.Connection`` Returns: ldap3.Connection: An unbound ldap3.Connection. You should handle exceptions upon bind if you use this internal method. """ return self._make_connection(bind_user, bind_password, contextualise=False, **kwargs)
def _make_connection(self, bind_user=None, bind_password=None, contextualise=True, **kwargs): """ Make a connection. Args: bind_user (str): User to bind with. If `None`, AUTH_ANONYMOUS is used, otherwise authentication specified with config['LDAP_BIND_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE'] is used. bind_password (str): Password to bind to the directory with contextualise (bool): If true (default), will add this connection to the appcontext so it can be unbound upon app_teardown. Returns: ldap3.Connection: An unbound ldap3.Connection. You should handle exceptions upon bind if you use this internal method. """ authentication = ldap3.ANONYMOUS if bind_user: authentication = getattr(ldap3, self.config.get( 'LDAP_BIND_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE')) log.debug("Opening connection with bind user '{0}'".format( bind_user or 'Anonymous')) connection = ldap3.Connection( server=self._server_pool, read_only=self.config.get('LDAP_READONLY'), user=bind_user, password=bind_password, client_strategy=ldap3.SYNC, authentication=authentication, check_names=True, raise_exceptions=True, **kwargs ) if contextualise: self._contextualise_connection(connection) return connection
[docs] def destroy_connection(self, connection): """ Destroys a connection. Removes the connection from the appcontext, and unbinds it. Args: connection (ldap3.Connection): The connnection to destroy """ log.debug("Destroying connection at <{0}>".format(hex(id(connection)))) self._decontextualise_connection(connection) connection.unbind()
@property def full_user_search_dn(self): """ Returns a the base search DN with the user search DN prepended. Returns: str: Full user search dn """ return self.compiled_sub_dn(self.config.get('LDAP_USER_DN')) @property def full_group_search_dn(self): """ Returns a the base search DN with the group search DN prepended. Returns: str: Full group search dn """ return self.compiled_sub_dn(self.config.get('LDAP_GROUP_DN'))
[docs] def compiled_sub_dn(self, prepend): """ Returns: str: A DN with the DN Base appended to the end. Args: prepend (str): The dn to prepend to the base. """ prepend = prepend.strip() if prepend == '': return self.config.get('LDAP_BASE_DN') return '{prepend},{base}'.format( prepend=prepend, base=self.config.get('LDAP_BASE_DN') )